Royal Institute of Technology - KTH

Royal Institute of Technology - KTH

Royal Institute of Technology, Kungliga Tekniska Högkolan - KTH, is Sweden's largest technical university and offers education within engineering and technology. It is placed in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, and consists of four different campuses. With over 18 000 students and an excellent international reputation, the university continues to nurture the world's brightest minds.

The university is also divided into five different schools:


KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm is Sweden’s largest and oldest technical university. The university was established in 1827.


According to QS World University Rankings, KTH Royal Institute of Technology is ranked top 100 in the world. This means it is ranked the highest of all technical universities in Sweden. Academic subjects such as Automation & Control, Mathematics, Telecommunication Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering are highest ranked at KTH, Royal Institute of Technology.

Bachelor's and Master's Programmes

There are about 60 different master's programmes and one bachelor's programme offered at KTH, for which are taught in English.

Possibilities for an exchange

KTH has over 200 exchange partner universities in the world which means studying at KTH will give you a great chance of going on an exchange program, or as an international student to study at KTH.

A majority of the exchange students at Royal Institute of Technology are from Europe. The most popular countries outside Europe are India, USA and China. Around 400 students, more than 10% of the exchange students, are from India. There are more than 3 000 exchange students that studies at KTH every year.

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